5月1日よりJapan Beauty Images SalonはBe you in Serendipityへと譲渡されることとなりました。 店舗名、看板等の変更は追々になりますが、電話番号、住所などは変わることはなく、お客様に提供できるサービス内容等においては徐々にではありますが、更に充実をさせていけるのではないかと思っております。
Notification of Company Name Change
Effective from 1 May 2017, Japan Beauty Images Salon will change its name to “Be you in Serendipity”. This name change is being instituted to reflect the Company’s recently enhanced role in the management of salon. While our name is changing, our legal status and our office address and contact details will remain the same. The company’s business remains fundamentally unaffected by this change and all contracts with existing customers will remain unaltered, with corresponding obligations and rights assumed under the new name. Going forward, we look forward to providing the same services that Japan Beauty Images Salon has offered to clients to date and we ask all our stakeholders for their continued support.
Be you in Serendipity
Unit 111-3838 Midland Ave,
Scarborough ON, M1V 5K5
Tel: 647-649-9118
